Agreement of two methods of planar and SPECT scintigraphy with 99mTc- RBC in detection of liver hemangioma [Persian]

Document Type : Original Article


Research Institute for Nuclear Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Hemangiomas are the most frequent benign tumors of the liver and detecting them from metastasis or other malignant hepatic tumors is of outmost importance. 99mTc- RBC scan is highly specific and is the method of choice for this differentiation. This scintigraphy is performed in Planar and SPECT modes. These two procedures are in agreement most of the times, however since SPECT is more expensive and time consuming we planned a study to evaluate the agreement of these two methods. Methods: Sixty two patients (age range 20-80 yr, mean age 42 yr), 41 female (67%) and 20 male (33%), who were under evaluation for liver mass detected on abdominal ultrasound or CT scan, underwent 99mTc- RBC scan with both Planar and SPECT methods. The data was processed by computer and SPSS software (11.5). Results: Planar scan was positive in 42% and negative in 59% of cases, while for SPECT study these values were 68.9% and 31.1%, respectively. The Kappa value for planar and SPECT scan results was 48%, and there were 17 lesions (27%) which were detected only by SPECT. SPECT scan defined 35% of the posteriorly located hemangiomas, and 58.3% of hemangiomas smaller than 3 cm, which were not detected by planar scans. Also 75% of patients with multiple hepatic lesions showed more lesions by SPECT as compared to planar scan. Conclusion: Since there is a weak agreement between SPECT and Planar scan, SPECT is considered the more reliable method in diagnosis of liver hemangioma and this is especially true when the hemangioma is of small size, has a posterior location or in cases of multiple lesions.


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