Sports activity done five days before PET/CT results in augmented FDG uptake in skeletal muscles

Document Type : Case Report


Department of Nuclear Medicine and PET-CT, Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre, Worli, Mumbai, India


Increased metabolic activity in muscle secondary to excessive muscle activity during the uptake phase and shortly before FDG injection is a known phenomenon. We present FDG PET/CT findings in a young male, known case of carcinoma maxilla His scan showed diffuse increased metabolic activity in multiple skeletal muscle groups. There was history of unaccustomed, strenuous sports activity of skiing five days before the scan and no history of other known factors known to enhance skeletal muscle FDG uptake. After carefully eliminating all other known factors causing augmented FDG uptake in muscles, we attributed this uptake to be the persistent effect of sports activity of skiing. Though the exact mechanism remains unclear, our case suggests; the effect of exercise causing increased FDG uptake in skeletal muscles may persist for longer period than previously proposed and reported.


Main Subjects

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