Determination of normal ranges of regional and global phase parameters using gated myocardial perfusion imaging with Cedars-Sinai’s QGS software

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical & Research Center, Tehran, Iran

2 Cardiac Electrophysiology Research Center, Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical & Research Center, Tehran, Iran

3 Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical & Research Center, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Myocardial perfusion imaging using gated SPECT and phase analysis is an effective tool in evaluation of mechanical dyssynchrony. The purpose of this study was to determine the normal ranges of global and regional phase parameters.
Methods: A total of 100 patients with normal resting and stress electrocardiograms, low pretest likelihood for coronary artery disease and a normal gated MPI study were recruited in the study. All of the patients underwent a standard 2-day stress/rest gated MPI study according to standard protocols. The reconstructed images were further analyzed by Cedar-Sinai’s quantitative gated SPECT. Left ventricular phase indices were provided both globally and regionally for both genders and the normal interquartile range of these parameters were defined.
Results:Normal ranges of global and wall-based regional phase parameters are presented both in unisex and in gender-specific formats. Both global (P<0.001) and major LV regional phase parameters (P<0.05) are found to be significantly different between the two genders with a significant positive association between end-diastolic volume with phase global indices (P<0.01). There is also more synchronized phase distribution in phase analysis results of post-exercise gated MPI as compared to the phase analysis of the same patients at resting state.

Conclusion: Normal ranges of phase indices are defined in this article by using Cedar-Sinai’s QGS software. As normal ranges of phase dyssynchrony parameters are gender-specific and are related to LV volume, stress or resting state and stress type, the need for careful incorporation of these data is indicated in interpretation of phase studies.


Main Subjects

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