Correlation of semiquantitative Tc 99m-Pyrophosphate myocardial SPECT with the quantities of LVEF in determining the extent and intensity of acute MI [Persian]

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Nuclear Medicine, Shahid Rajayee Hospital, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


This study was performed to evaluate the Tc-pyp SPECT role in determination of AMI severity and extension. Pyp SPECT imaging was done for 54 patients with AMI, who met the WHO criteria. SPECT findings were correlated with LVEF measurements. The abnormal scan was graded according to the intensity and was compared with the activity of the sternum in the same image. In addition, a segmental myocardial model was used for location determination of abnormal tracer uptake. Resting LVEF was determined by 2D echocardiography in each patient 2 weeks after onset of pain. 79 patients had positive pyp SPECT scans. According to pyp uptake intensity, good correlation between severity and extension of pyp uptake and LVEF was seen. These factors can be considered suitable for prognosis estimation in early post AMI period.

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