Creation the fully integrated and flourishing assessment challenge award: Integration is the key

Document Type : Letter to the Editor


The Persian Gulf Nuclear Medicine Research Center, Department of Molecular Imaging and Radionuclide Therapy, Bushehr Medical University Hospital, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran


Medicine is now undertaking a paramount revolution that will alter the nature of healthcare from reactive to proactive. It is imperative to integrate experimental and computational investigation in order to appreciate complex biological systems in the era of precision medicine. In light of this revolution, we necessitate to precision medicine means such as systems approaches (genomics, radiogenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics) and also imaging techniques. In addition to technological issues, the fast growth of precision medicine needs dedicated future leaders with a strong foundation in advanced genomic medicine, so that these leaders should assimilate personalized medicine into healthcare, and they must attain many additional management and teaching skills. On other hand, nowadays, universities beyond that primary mission in training heath workers utilize novel protocols for providing a scientific and competitive atmosphere to identify talented students. The fully integrated and flourishing assessment (FIFA) challenge promote cross-disciplinary nuclear medicine related sciences integration within universities. The FIFA challenge could be presented where a place every year active nuclear medicine discipline students in the worldwide can involve their skills for an award program and all the recognition provided by our societies. Developing of such program may simplify the inclusion of all fields which are integrated with nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, entailing integrated molecular, functional and morphological big imaging data generated with various technologies, integrated therapeutic options, quantitative examinations such as radiomics and radiogenomics and also artificial intelligence applications.


Main Subjects

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